Thursday, February 25, 2010

Why I Avoid Bars in VA

So last week, the Virginia General Assembly passed a law allowing those who people to carry concealed weapons into bars and restaurants. Now, don't freak out now, this is was a well thought out plan, see the law also prevents those that bring a concealed weapon into bars and restaurants from consuming alcohol.

I mean, I don't know about you, but I take my gun with me whenever I'm going for 2am pancakes at iHop in Ballston, right? Or some nights I have to debate on what's more important, getting drunk off of my ass, or having my gun for protection.....

OK I'm sorry, this deserves a good WTF! No matter you standpoint, be it conservative, liberal, in between, this just makes me laugh. I mean I am all for gun rights, but I just think restaurants, and bars, are just places where your gun just isn't necessary. I mean this just puts way more pressure than needed (ok guy, since you're not drinking tonight, you're responsible for my M9). Yeah, I thought I'd give everyone the update, so all us actually in the district don't need to worry, we just need to avoid bars in VA. I swear if this were to ever to make it to the district, im NEVER going out in Adam's Morgan again!

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