Monday, December 14, 2009

The Mysterious Break In

Ok, I know you don't think I was going to leave this part about the weekend out! I feel like it is so important that I needed it to be in it's own posting! But now that I think about it, since my post go by most recent first, most of you will read this before reading the next post, so! If you are reading my blog, my suggestion is to read the post created before this one FIRST then come back to this one. Thanks!

Before I start, on a side note, I am at Soho, and I just witnessed some boy outside rolling a blunt out in public, like right in front of this store! Really? are you serious? God DC is so weird!

OK, so as B & G are packing up and getting ready to leave on Sunday, G realizes that her wallet is missing. So we go searching all over for it but can't find it anywhere! So we immediately raid all of their bags and my apartment looking for this wallet. After a while we kind of give up and decide it's probably in their bags somewhere and they'll find it when they get home, or I'll find it one day somewhere in my apt and I'll send it to her. Well we do one last sweep through my apt, and B noticed my computer is missing. That's when we realize, oh CRAP, someone must have broken into my apt. So G checks her credit card history and indeed someone has used her credit card at Macy's and made some random purchases. So at first it does not really phase me too bad, we call the police, I notify the front desk of my apartment complex, and I am kind of calm. It is not until B & G leave that I finally start to loose it. I start freaking out, thinking someone in my complex is following me, waiting to kill me or something! Yeah, it was very scary. But with time I've finally come to realize, living in the city, this type of stuff just happens, I'm not in the good old Raleigh anymore; and also, it was probably some kid that doesn't know any better. So I've gotten the locks on my apartment changed, and two additional locks added to my door (extra protection) and I plan on getting an alarm system. I was going to move but why should some thief keep me afraid of living where I enjoy living, and inconveniencing me. So bump it! I have just learned to be a little more cautious, and I will definitely NOT trust anyone in my building :). Lesson learned.

You know, it's always something with me isn't it? Haha! I'm glad I can laugh about this now, because I definitely was NOT laughing yesterday. So that's what I meant in my earlier blog that I "kind of" survived my first week of living here. I swear I will be posting my pictures soon! But yeah that was my week! My boys are coming up this weekend and I am SUPER excited, I'm sure there will be lots of craziness to post about that, so keep checking for new posts!

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